Factorio Android & iOS Mobile Version Free Download
In Factorio, you can build and manage factories. In Factorio, you will mine resources, research technologies, build infrastructure, automate production, and fight enemies. You will start by chopping down trees mining ore, and making mechanical arms and belts.
But in no time, you’ll be a powerhouse with solar fields and oil refinement and cracking. This heavy extraction of resources from the earth is not well received by the natives. You will need to prepare to defend your empire and yourself.
Create huge factories with your friends in cooperative multiplayer, and collaborate to delegate tasks. Mods can be used to enhance your experience. From small tweaks and assistance mods to full game overhauls. Factorio’s Modding Support has enabled content creators around the globe to create interesting and innovative features.
The core of gameplay comes in the shape of the Freeplay Scenario, but there is a variety of challenges available in the Scenario Pack, which can be downloaded as free DLC. You can make your maps and scenarios if you do not find anything you like. Use the Map Editor to place entities, terrain, enemies, and scripts in any order you want.
How to Download & Install:
- Click the DRM Free Factorio link below to download.
- Wait until the client finishes downloading to 100% and then locate the file/s folder.
- That’s it, play and enjoy!