The Next World PTR Will Add A Christmas Event to Aeternum
The Next New World PTR was announced. It will introduce the Christmas Holiday event, “Winter Convergence.” Players will be able to complete unique questlines and repeatable tasks that will allow them to earn a limited currency that can be used to purchase rare and cosmetic items.
Four locations will have winter villages, where the Winter Wanderer will give quests. Visit Everfall, Monarch Bluffs, and Weaver’s Fen to find all the quests.
The Convergence spirit is a new project in town that requires players to complete holiday project quests to upgrade each settlement’s Tree of Light. This will increase the quality of daily quest rewards.
Players are required to find and return lost presents from all over the world to receive Winter Tokens.
The Next World PTR Will Add A Christmas Event to Aeternum
Gleamite also falls from the night sky during this event. Players can exchange crystals for additional Winter Tokens at the villages.
Because of the Winter Warrior’s wish for a perpetual winter, Ice Caves will start appearing all over Aeternum. These caves will remain after the event to provide a new area for players to explore when they are out and about in the world.
The Christmas event is not the only change. Many other changes are coming, including new quests and journal categories, trade skills updates, new currency, and a new currency that allows players to target expertise on an item.
The PvP balance will be adjusted to reflect the lower gear pieces’ armor mitigation calculations and the application of crit damage. Crit damage is now applied additively, not multiplicatively.
PTR servers will be available starting December 3 at 10 AM PT (6 PM UTC), and we can assume that they will remain up for approximately 2 weeks, based on their last testing period.