Steam: Grab one of the greatest narrative-driven adventure games ever produced for only $1!
Humble Bundle can provide some fantastic gaming at unbeatably reasonable prices. Their charity bundles range in scope and selection; typically offering great titles at very little expense – giving players the opportunity to secure great titles while helping those less fortunate than themselves.
At Black Friday 2018, players can support Child’s Play charity while purchasing an impressive selection of games – one being Telltale games’ The Walking Dead Season One which offers some incredible story-based game play!
What sets this bundle apart is the low price point of The Walking Dead Season One when purchased separately – less than $1! This deal packs incredible value since this classic adventure offers hours of captivating storytelling that rivals even TV drama!
You’ll get more of Telltale’s Walking Dead games when purchasing the full bundle, along with Wrestlequest – an in-depth RPG set in wrestling’s golden age – Rainbow Billy and The Big Con (an adventure game filled with humor). Minimum cost will be PS16.03 with no maximum donation limit to charity!
This bundle ends on October 18 and offers various levels of support that grant access to Steam copies of each game in it. Once payment is confirmed, Steam codes for every title will appear either via email or Humble Bundle account.