GTA 6 trailer has already caused great divisiveness among fans.

GTA 6 trailer has already caused great divisiveness among fans.

GTA 6 trailer has already caused great divisiveness among fans.


Reddit user and Grand Theft Auto fan JohnSwift had issued an open plea to fans that their excitement for GTA VI’s trailer had begun consuming too much of their lives and should relax a little, prompting this post’s removal from Reddit.

Moderators removed this post, prompting several others to share their perspectives about GTA VI’s trailer and fan reactions as its release gets closer.

“Some members of the community might find some aspects too cringeworthy; but this kind of event doesn’t happen very often and won’t occur any time soon,” wrote one respondent to my query on whether people were being “too cringe”. That response is accurate: rarely is such an epic game released — not even blockbuster Nintendo or Sony first-party titles can garner this much excitement and fanfare!

One user was just thrilled that GTA VI existed: “Though this might sound ridiculous, GTA games have long been dear to my heart – in particular GTA VI!”

There have been comments suggesting some are going a bit overboard when posting to this subreddit, while many other posters boldly state “For many, GTA 5 will likely be their last GTA experience.

GTA VI will soon arrive, marking one of the largest launches ever seen by younger gamers – for some it may even mark their first GTA release! Ten years have passed since GTA V was unveiled; excitement should run high!

GTA 6 trailer has already caused great divisiveness among fans.
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