Red Dead Redemption 2 now includes 10 John Marston fan missions you can complete free.

Red Dead Redemption 2 now includes 10 John Marston fan missions you can complete free.

Red Dead Redemption 2 now includes 10 John Marston fan missions you can complete free.


Red Dead Redemption 2 has been out for five years and fans still refuse to let go. Luckily, there are 10 John Marston missions available completely for free that they can play now.

Though most fans believe Arthur Morgan to be superior to John Marston as protagonists in video game characters, both cowboys are loved video game figures – with Red Dead Redemption (2010) following John’s tale and Red Dead Redemption 2 continuing the tale from Arthur’s perspective – we had plenty of opportunities to spend time with both protagonists!

Yet many fans wanted more John Marston; one modder has come through for them by creating John’s mod.

Nexus Mods user kazyllis’ mod, Becoming John Marston, adds 10 short missions that transport players back in time to some of John Marston’s key memories from his youth. These give players a fun new challenge while immersing them in Red Dead Redemption 2.

Missions will explore John’s journey into Van der Linde gang membership between 1884-1886 when he was 11-13 years old.

As its title indicates, this mod will allow you to control a model of teenage John whom we meet tied to a tree and threatened by outlaws until Dutch rescues him himself. He then undertakes several short missions which teach John basic gang life such as hogtying enemies, hiding from outlaws and picking up odd jobs.

Red Dead Redemption 3’s tease left fans divided, many believing Rockstar may struggle to improve on an already superb game. Unfortunately, given they are also hard at work developing Grand Theft Auto 6, we may need to wait some time until returning to the frontier again.

Red Dead Redemption 2 now includes 10 John Marston fan missions you can complete free.
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