Fans have long anticipated this feature from Minecraft

Fans have long anticipated this feature from Minecraft free download and now fans are finally experiencing it!

Fans have long anticipated this feature from Minecraft free download and now fans are finally experiencing it!


No matter their age or background, gamers of all kinds worldwide have enjoyed exploring and creating worlds within Mojang’s Minecraft since 2011.

Minecraft, a survival crafting game enjoyed both alone or with others, recently set an impressive sales milestone of 300 Million copies sold! Minecraft credits its continued popularity to frequent content updates from top game makers as well as licensed DLC from Jurassic Park, Star Wars, SpongeBob SquarePants among many other sources; plus being available across nearly every platform available today!

Minecraft has inspired numerous popular spinoff games from Telltale Games as well as Telltale’s recently launched Dungeon Crawler-inspired Minecraft Legends, our review stated “Minecraft Legends is an engaging yet lighthearted hybrid that prioritises exploration over tactical battle gameplay. Suitable for younger audiences and RTS beginners while remaining challenging during later campaign stages; its Midas touch has turned another genre gold; unfortunately Legends doesn’t quite reach diamond status.”

PC gamers have long enjoyed 4K resolution and ray tracing support in Minecraft Bedrock Edition; unfortunately console gamers were left out – until now! Preview update of Xbox Series X|S has gone live to bring 4K support.

Be mindful that this new update is still only in its preview stage and has yet to make its full release; but with 4K support already included in console preview builds, we should see its eventual roll out before too long.

At this writing, the latest preview update for console is still missing support for ray tracing similar to what we see in Minecraft Bedrock Edition on PC; hopefully that feature won’t take too much longer either! Furthermore, this latest patch includes numerous bug fixes as well as quality-of-life upgrades.

Minecraft is now available on PCs, PlayStations, Xboxes, Nintendo consoles and compatible mobile devices.

Fans have long anticipated this feature from Minecraft free download and now fans are finally experiencing it!
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