The Witcher 3’s Yennefer & Triss Enter The Countries Between Via Mods
Combining Elden Ring with The Witcher 3 is easier than ever.
This is especially true if you have a love for sorceresses. Two of the most eminent magic users on the Continent have found their way to the stunning hellscape of The Lands Between.
Using new mods, you can now carve through bosses and increase your incantations and spells. Triss Merigold and Yennefer both have been added to the Elden Ring.
Triss and Yen Show Elden Ring Who is Boss
The Witcher 3 outfit is the first mod in question. It was created by Crazy Potato and Wretch Queen, who has brought the sorceress dressed in her alternate costume, which she got as part of The Witcher 3’s DLC.
Leg wraps and battlemage robes now replace the battlemage robes. This outfit can be purchased via Elden Ring’sRUXM Mod which is only available through the game’sgmodding channel.
One of those who prefer Triss over the lilac- and gooseberry-smelling, doughnut worry, “itcher 3 Triss” modder az3163693 allows you to play as your favourite ginger mage.
This mod replaces Elden Ring’sR’astrologer armour sets and requires another mod called ” emove player Skin to wear any Armour Mod” along with either UXM, Mod Engine 2, or Mod.
If you prefer to spell play to swordplay Wretch Queen and Crazy Potato, have another work called “itcher3 Ciri’sCoutfit” This allows you to assume the role of Lady of Time and Space.
This one requires UXM, and it replaces both Radahn Soldier Greaves and Blue Silver Mail Armour.
Last but not least, if your goal is to find the White Wolf, the best that the Elden Ring modding communities offer right now, it’sihis cute little face. Cybercom’sCmod Geralt of Witcher3 has replaced the Vagabond Knight Helm in the game with his head.