Fans of The Last of Us Part 2 believe its remaster includes an epilogue.

Fans of The Last of Us Part 2 believe its remaster includes an epilogue.

Fans of The Last of Us Part 2 believe its remaster includes an epilogue.


Rumors have circulated for several months that Naughty Dog will release a remaster of The Last of Us Part II which was initially launched for PS4 back in 2020.

Naughty Dog surprised fans on Friday by unveiling The Last of Us Part II Remastered late Friday afternoon, much to everyone’s chagrin. While many believed this upgrade would simply be another cash grab from them since its initial release a few years prior, Naughty Dog went the extra mile in giving both newcomers and established gamers alike something worth their while with this worthy upgrade for both sides.

This PlayStation 5 Remaster won’t simply feature 4K visuals and 60 frames per second; rather, we will get some unexpected additions like Guitar Free Play mode which no one predicted would come along, enhanced DualSense features over what were added with the free new-gen update for PS4, No Return Roguelike Mode as well as Lost Levels to uncover extra cut content plus development commentary similar to 2014’s Last of Us Remastered for PS4.

Naughty Dog has not provided many details yet regarding what we will see with the Lost Levels DLC content, though I was hoping we might finally receive a video game adaptation of American Dreams which follows Ellie and Riley prior to events of Left Behind DLC. Personally, if this series interests you I recommend reading American Dreams thoroughly as you won’t regret reading any part.

However, according to the teaser trailer released this past week, my hopes that American Dreams would be transformed into video game form are likely doomed; though Redditors remain confident that The Lost Levels will include an epilogue set after The Last of Us Part II’s main story has concluded.

Before I continue, this thread contains spoilers from The Last of Us Part II; consider this your final spoiler warning. Redditor cubbies1984 set off discussion on this thread by noting “This looks like after Ellie walks off into the distance at the end of game,” although nothing is set in stone as Naughty Dog has yet to confirm details for its Lost Levels; other Redditors have shared their opinions in various threads across Reddit.

Yukikaze surmises, “This must have happened sometime prior to Tommy arriving at this farm,” while cantwejustplaynice speculated, “Ellie must be wearing Joel’s jacket after exiting the graveyard based on smell alone,” reported Yukikaze.

“This has to be Santa Monica or earlier as I can’t recall whether she wore Joel’s jacket when we searched her,” noted TheMokmaster. “Let’s hope these lost levels provide significant gameplay experience!”

Hmm… this one’s difficult. At first glance it resembles Ellie’s hair at the end of the game, yet as fans pointed out it may also represent part of Dina/Tommy farmhouse section elongated over time. An extended epilogue would probably provide more thrills but we shall soon learn what lies in store!

On 19 January 2024, The Last of Us Part II Remastered will be made available exclusively on PlayStation 5. Furthermore, owners of its PS4 counterpart can upgrade for just $10!

Fans of The Last of Us Part 2 believe its remaster includes an epilogue.
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