EA issued an Apex Legend player who typed in "stfu" with their infraction notice a permanent ban for typing this phrase.

EA issued an Apex Legend player who typed in “stfu” with their infraction notice a permanent ban for typing this phrase.

EA issued an Apex Legend player who typed in “stfu” with their infraction notice a permanent ban for typing this phrase.


All shooter gamers have experienced some level of irritation when participating in online shooter games, whether that be through brief messages or more extreme measures such as smashing their computers (sometimes for no discernible reason!). One user found themselves somewhere between these extremes – they ended up facing an indefinite ban for their behavior!

Recently, one Apex Legends player found themselves facing permanent ban after telling another player to’stfu’. By posting their ban message online and sparking debate over Respawn Entertainment’s seemingly stringent harassment rules.

Reddit user Apex_Lee posted her ban message which read, in part: ‘Hi. It appears your EA account broke our Positive Play Charter rules; therefore your account has been banned.” Additionally it stated: “We consider this harassment; therefore you can no longer play EA games using this account.”

An EA ban would make all other EA games unplayable as well, inaccessibility being their major drawback.

Are You Feeling Stiffed Up by Being Banned Permanently for Typing ‘STFU”? Many thought so too and quickly learned of multiple temporary bans against THEVAN3D for repeat offenses on Apex Servers; though THEVAN3D claims only ever experiencing one temporary ban during their time on Apex, which offers three strikes as penalties against offenses on this game platform.

“[My account has been suspended for the same reason], they explained. “My account is clean; no cheats were used or other illegal actions performed against it; simply saying some swearwords occasionally and now being locked out means being unable to even access single player games!”

Respawn’s three-strike system may have resulted in this incident or it might simply have been their mistake, however breach of their Positive Play Charter could result in restrictions to their account or potentially taking away access to certain or all EA Services.

Lesson learned here – keep anger to an absolute minimum.

EA issued an Apex Legend player who typed in “stfu” with their infraction notice a permanent ban for typing this phrase.
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