Dino Crisis and Far Cry combine for an open world dinosaur survival adventure!

Dino Crisis and Far Cry combine for an open world dinosaur survival adventure!

Dino Crisis and Far Cry combine for an open world dinosaur survival adventure!


Fans have long awaited Capcom to produce another Dino Crisis title; unfortunately there appears to be no indication at this time.

Dino Crisis 3, released for Xbox in 2003, featured dinosaurs fighting each other through space in an entertaining manner; unfortunately its execution left much to be desired; since its release we’ve yet to have another title from this franchise!

Fans petitioning for another Dino Crisis installment and Capcom benefiting greatly from its Resident Evil remakes suggests this may happen soon – however until that day arrives what other options do we have available to us to appease that itchy tasty feeling?

Ferocious is an independent game developed by OMYOG which could satisfy that craving if it fits the bill for you: an open world dinosaur survival adventure similar to Dino Crisis meets Far Cry. “Fight, Explore, Survive.” Ferocious combines “a sense of wonder exploring an uncharted prehistoric island with over-the-top action gameplay”, states its description.

Ferocious is an adventure game set against an ever-evolving “Lost World,” in which your journey starts after being shipwrecked on an unfriendly Pacific Ocean island and you wake up as one of few survivors to encounter deadly prehistoric creatures, deadly encounters with mercenaries, treacherous terrains and untidy terrains that lie waiting beneath its mysterious surface.” It continues: “Your adventure begins after experiencing a shipwreck in the Pacific Ocean which leaves only you standing, as an unwilling participant in Ferocious is where your journey truly begins – while you fight to survive among prehistoric creatures while fighting deadly encounters from prehistoric creatures to mercenaries as you fight to survive; to uncover its dark secrets within its timeless “Lost World”. ”

Ferocious is described as both “immersive and visually stunning”, boasting an immersive yet interactive world that features intense combat, weapon customisation and prehistoric creatures to both fight and befriend – imagine making friends with a Tyrannosaurus Rex?! That would truly be extraordinary… Sadly though, at this time Ferocious has yet to release on Steam but you can list your interest now so as to be kept up-to-date when the game becomes available for sale.

Ferocious is being developed for PC initially and if its success warrants, may eventually make its debut on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S.

Dino Crisis and Far Cry combine for an open world dinosaur survival adventure!
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