Cyberpunk 2077 fan appreciates CDPR for saving their life
Cyberpunk 2077 fan, Christina O, recently spoke out about their struggles with mental health while thanking CD Projekt Red for “saving their life”.
I find this candid, emotionally heavy post relatable as someone who’s struggled with intensely dark thoughts themselves. If reading about their experience may trigger anything for you personally, however, then perhaps find another resource instead – as the author doesn’t hold back in providing details regarding his/her struggles.
Cyberpunk 2077 had saved this user’s life after they tried other means to cope with emotions which they found overwhelming, such as use of various medications to “push away”. Their decision to play out all three game modes until completion, with rooftop option taken for fun “just to see what would happen”, proved decisive in saving their existence.
What happened next was unexpected for the OP. “I caught a small, detached glimpse of what my choices would do to my family and friends – people whom had shared in fights, drinks, laughter and heartaches with him in his lifetime – only now they were being torn apart because of my choices.”
“I noticed how each character responded differently, from Judy breaking down to Panam lashing out and Vik attempting to keep everything under wraps; Kerry simply expressed disappointment; yet Vik’s actions hit hardest as I could feel my emotions being contained as she tried not to let anything overwhelm her and continue as usual,” they describe.
From there the gamer relayed their experience of how CD Projekt Red has helped make positive changes for them in life – an emotionally taxing but heartwarming tale which saw many fellow gamers reaching out in support and offering good wishes towards this person’s OP.
“Someone once gave a speech about finding one small reason to keep going no matter how small or trivial. If this reason happens to involve playing Cyberpunk or games generally, latch onto and use it until you feel ready and strong enough on your own again – regardless of how long that might be.” “All our hearts and prayers are behind you!”
We echo that sentiment and wish the OP and all who may be experiencing mental health challenges all our best wishes. Please reach out if experiencing mental illness and reach out so you’re not experiencing it alone.