Horizon Zero Dawn sequel Seeds Of Rebellion just took another step toward reality.

Horizon Zero Dawn sequel Seeds Of Rebellion just took another step toward reality.

Horizon Zero Dawn sequel Seeds Of Rebellion just took another step toward reality.


Are You A Guerrilla Games’ Horizon Fan? Horizon Forbidden West: Seeds of Rebellion Will Interest You.

Seeds of Rebellion was released back in September as a co-operative tabletop adventure set several years before Aloy arrives in Forbidden West. Players take on the role of Tenakth loyalists during Regalla’s rebellion days under Chief Hekarro; you won’t just face off against Regalla forces though; fearsome machines also stand between you and success as part of an immersive campaign interweaving combat encounters and narrative campaigns.

Back in October, I got to experience Seeds of Rebellion first-hand and was absolutely won over. Our preview noted its excellence: I wrote: “Seeds of Rebellion is an outstanding addition to this universe in terms of both lore and mechanics; playing board games may differ from video gaming but this felt familiar; longtime franchise fans should find endless hours of enjoyment here!”

Are You Following This Project on Kickstarter? Well, good news – the project successfully reached its goal and now awaits an upgrade in early 2024 via Pledge Manager to allow everyone who pledged finalise shipping addresses and update on production statuses.

At this stage, there’s no exact estimate as to when Seeds of Rebellion will become available for shipping, although we expect production will complete sometime around late 2024. If you missed out on Kickstarter’s early bird pricing option, don’t fret: once production completes you may still order this game later down the line (though perhaps without some exclusive early Kickstarter features) from Steamforged’s page so I do advise keeping an eye out.

Horizon Zero Dawn sequel Seeds Of Rebellion just took another step toward reality.
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