Tripwire Interactive have introduced the launching trailer for their upcoming open-world shark RPG, Maneater. The movie sets the silly, over-the-top tone of...
After spending an appropriate quantity of time of becoming a GOG exclusive on PC, Gwent is coming out on Steam. It’s going...
NetherRealm have released yet another trailer for its Aftermath growth in Mortal Kombat 11. Since Friendships are a part of the free...
The upcoming three Dragon Pokemon, Reshiram, Zekrom, and Kyurem, are all from the Unova area in Pokemon Black Version and Pokemon White...
The Epic Games Store has been updated with a new pair of features, some of them long-awaited and fairly essential in this...
Get ready to unite up — PlatinumGames has published a launching trailer to mark the release of The Beautiful 101: Remastered. Featuring...
A battle for the ages, visit RoboCop take about the Terminator with the latest trailer for WB Games and NetherRealm Studios’ Mortal...
The development team at Naughty Dog requires an comprehensive look at the brand new and developed gameplay that is likely to make...
In the official support forum, Bungie has declared the next Destiny two upgrade. Tomorrow the servers will be offline, maintenance will be...
bisoft has announced that the next maintenance for The Division 2 — We’ve all information about server downtime. On May 19, The...