Gearbox panel in PAX West announced Homeworld 3, but thas not the only return for its real time strategy franchise.
The business also teased Homeworld Mobile, finish with a brief teaser-trailer displaying off the spacefaring ships .
The spin-off has been developed by mobile studio Straosphere. Gearbox noted that the title ist finalized, since like Homeworld 3, is still in the early stages.
Should you back Homeworld s crowd-funding campaign on Fig, yoll get priority access to Homeworld Mobile. Homeworld has been relatively quiet since the release of Homeworld 2 in 2003.
It received a Remastered Collection in 2015, which was overburdened by critics, including in Homeworld Remastered review.
The Homeworld series’ heritage, but has always lain in its story-focused campaigns, whose outstanding action and inherent attractiveness live and excel, even in light of the 16 years that have passed since the original’s advent wrote Kevin VanOrd.
It is a Massive world out there, but Homeworld Remastered Collection creates a Fantastic case for maintaining your presence within it