Saving your game in Maneater is a relatively simple thing; so simple, that it may get somewhat confusing. Folks are wondering how exactly saving Maneater works, including whether they can save manually, how saving functions generally, etc.. More importantly, there is a kind of bug that erases conserves or just doesn’t trigger the autosave, causing people to eliminate progress. Well, we will attempt to straighten out things with our How to Conserve in Maneater guide.
The Way to Save in ManeaterManeater — The Way to Save Money?
To save your game in Maneater, you do not have to do anything . In fact, there is no actual method to manually save while you are in the game. Rather, Maneater employs a pretty good autosave system that causes pretty much whenever you achieve something. I’m talking finishing quests, completing hunts and boss battles, the functions. So, while you might not be in a position to quit exploring a place as you please, then I do not think it’ll affect your drama too much.
All that said, the most reliable way to save your sport would be to return to your base of operations, and the grotto. Whenever
You return in there to do some updating (or whatever other reason), that will trigger the autosave. That’s a nice spot to finish your gaming session to the day, for instance. This segues us to our next point.
How To Save Sport in Grotto in Maneater?
To save your match in the grotto at Maneater, there’s nothing at all that you have to do. The game should autosave as soon as you move inside. That is, unless you’ve done, like, absolutely nothing involving two visits. Otherwise, should you apply the grotto simply to upgrade and maybe park your shark for the nighttime, the autosave will function as a dream.
Well, that is not entirely true. There appears to be a bug that prevents the autosave from functioning, causing people to eliminate progress; sometimes, to the point of sending them back into the beginning of the match. Let us briefly discuss that, shall we?
As we’ve said, the autosave function in Maneater is a little dodgy. The issues seem to happen mostly from the PlayStation 4 version, but nobody is really safe. Unfortunately, the only thing you can do is keep a look out for the rescue icon in the top right corner. You might lose some improvement here and there still, so bear this in mind.
So, that’s pretty much all we have for saving your game in Maneater. Should you want more assistance, allow me to redirect you to a few of our other guides.