After years, Dante’s Inferno boss fights remain intense. Dante’s Inferno made its debut in 2010, marking an outstanding year of videogame...
Starfield receives massive free update with tons of quality features After years of anticipation and hype surrounding its debut in September...
Unreal Engine 5 horror games have never looked more realistic; their terrifying scenes make you shudder in fear! Halloween season may...
Star Wars Jedi Knight: Dark Forces 2 receives an stunning Unreal Engine remake Too often publishers entrust fans to do all...
Free Nintendo 64 classic comes to Switch! Another update for Nintendo Switch Online brings with it one more classic Rare title...
GTA 6 Developer Announces Cancellation of Game Unusual as it may sound, games that excite fans often end up getting cancelled...
Halo 2 can now be played from third-person perspective – something which feels very odd indeed! Modders have given Halo: Combat...
The Roguelike Mode in The Last of Us Part 2 will include at least 12 levels. The Last Of Us Remastered...
PlayStation is being sued for $7 billion over store prices. Sony stands as one of the great technology industry giants on...
Rockstar revealed today that GTA Vice City began as an expansion pack to GTA 3 Grand Theft Auto: Vice City stands...