Gearbox panel in PAX West announced Homeworld 3, but thas not the only return for its real time strategy franchise. The business...
God Eater has Experienced a long and Profitable history since debuting close to a decade ago The latest entry, God Eater 3,...
Publisher and developer Yacht Club Games and Programmer Nitrome have Declared Shovel Knight Dig. The brand new entrance in their Shovel Knight...
Publisher NIS America and programmer Nigoro have declared La-Mulana 2 & 1. The Assortment of both metroidvania games is coming to Nintendo...
Picture the scene: there’s a gigantic mutant chicken out for your Blood, clucking menacingly because its footsteps shake the floor. In the...
There’s a classic Wile E. Coyote cartoon where he puts in a racecar to chase after the Road Runner, and as he...
Viewing Astral Chain In movement may be exactly what catches your attention, however, the execution of attacks is something you have to...
Though beloved by Most, the Trine series has had its share Of bumps along the way. After two really good and absolutely...
It should be noted that I Moved into Kill la Kill IF as a Lover of the Anime more than a fan...
Let a shriek out into the room as a two-headed demon leaps. Rather than running away, I stand my ground and jab...